We are Working Hard to be the best we can be!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Book Report Project Due in January

Book Report Project Rubric:
The project will be due on one of three days, depending on your last name
Last Name A-G- Tuesday 1/21/14
Last Name H-P- Wednesday 1/22/14
Last Name Q-Z- Thursday 1/23/14
This week students should select an appealing chapter book from our classroom library. Over the next 4 weeks, students will read their self-selected book and create a cereal box book report at home. Students will decorate a real cereal box with illustrations and information related to the book they read using the directions below.
FRONT OF BOX: Use a piece of white or light colored paper to cover the front of your cereal box. (You will probably want to create the cover before gluing it on your box.) Include the name of the cereal and a picture. Invent a name for the cereal that is related to the title of the book and sounds like a cereal. Do not use the exact title of the book. You may want to look at the attached page of real cereal boxes to get some ideas. Choose a shape for the cereal as well as colors and ingredients that all relate to the book. For example, for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you might invent a cereal called Wizard Wands, a toasted oat cereal in the shape of miniature lightning bolts.
RIGHT SIDE: Make a list of ingredients that includes the story elements Characters and Setting. Under the heading "Ingredients," list the main characters and write a sentence about each one. Then describe the setting. You can use the template on the attached sheet or cover the side with white or light colored paper and do it in your own way. Just make sure you include the main characters and the setting.
LEFT SIDE: Write a summary that describes the main problem and the solution of the book. Try to use words that will “grab” readers’ attention and make them want to buy your cereal. You can use the attached template or do this is your own way.
BACK OF BOX: Design a game that is based on the story. It can be a puzzle, a word search, a word scramble, a maze, a crossword puzzle, a hidden pictures illustration, or any other fun activity that might be found on the back of a cereal box. Make sure it includes information from the book.
TOP OF BOX: Include the title, author, number of pages, and number of stars you would give this book if you were a book critic. The maximum number of stars would be 5. You can use the template or create the top of the box yourself as long as you include all of the things listed above.
PRIZE: Cereal boxes often include a prize. Your prize must be something the main character could have used in the book or something that reminds you of the main character. You can even include a picture of the prize on the front of your box to let the reader know what is inside the box.
**All templates for this cereal box book report will be available to download from the class website. This will be helpful for students who want to write rough drafts for the sides of their box before doing the final copies. Also, if students mess up or want to redo any section of the box, they can just print new copies from the website.
Here is how your child will receive points for each section of the box
Right Side
5 pts. – Main Characters and Setting of the book under “ingredients”
Left Side
5 pts.- Complete Summary
5 pts.- Name of Cereal and Picture
5 pts.- Cereal Game related to the book read
5 pts.- Author, Number of Pages, Stars (Out of 5)
5 pts.- Prize related to the book
Commercial (Speaking)
10 pts.
Commercial Writing Piece
10 pts.
/50 points

Cereal Box Commercial
Students will share their project by doing a 1-2 minute commercial for their cereal. These oral presentations will be made the week of January 25, 2013. Students should practice their commercials at home to make sure of the timing. The goal is to make other students really want to buy the cereal (read the book). Use the following guidelines for writing the commercial:
• Share exciting elements from the book – Share exciting elements from the book ––– the problem, important scenes, setting, plot, the problem, important scenes, interesting characters, etc.
• Be energetic! Try to convince the audience to buy the cereal whether you liked the book or not.  
• Cereal has nutritional value and is “good for the body.” Tell your classmates why this book would be good for them.
• (Optional) Be a character from the book to help you “sell” your product.
Write your commercial pitch here and turn it in after your presentation

Book Report Templates




Saturday, December 14, 2013

Next Week

The week before winter break, we will not have a reading story, nor spelling and vocab words. 

The holiday assembly will be Thursday at 12:30 and students should wear red or green. 

Friday is the field trip, and students SHOULD WEAR THEIR UNIFORM! Sorry for the confusion! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hw 12/9-12/13/13

Weekly Homework-

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all Long O and I spelling words)
Math- 6-1

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 6-2

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling Test Thursday! Study!!!!
Math- 6-3

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the 6 comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Reading Comprehension and Vocab test Friday! Study!
Math- 6-4

Friday- Book Report (Read a book of your choice and tell about it)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

In the Money Study Guide

What is the best part of mom's job in David's opinion?
Why did David go to work with mom?
What are two main jobs of a bank?
What is an ATM?
How do you know the bank employees are very busy? 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

SS Extra Credit Quiz this Friday 12.6.13

There will be a 13 colonies extra credit quiz this week on Friday. For every original state (colony) the student will receive 1 pt. So, students can earn up to 13 EC points. Happy Studying! 

Progress Reports, SS and Science Retests and Book Reports

Progress Reports go out next week and with so many days off, there are minimal grades for some subjects, making it difficult to attain an A so far this quarter. Please make sure your child has all of their homework completed and study for all assessments in advance. 

Also, there are LOTS of students with missing book reports, which is bringing their writing grade down. Please have them turned in by Friday to go into the gradebook in order to not affect Progress Report grades.  The book report template is attached. 

Lastly, students who received an unsatisfactory grade for Social Science of Science have the opportunity to restest on the Unit 3-SS and Chapter 5- Science tests that were taken in early November. The study guides are still on the blog so please help your child prepare this week. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Homework December 2- December 6

Weekly Homework-

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all Long O spelling words)
Math- 4-3

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 4-4

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling Test Thursday! Study!!!!
Math- Reteaching packet

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the 6 comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Reading Comprehension and Vocab test Friday! Study!
Math- double-digit subtraction page

Friday- Book Report (Read a book of your choice and tell about it)

Monday, November 25, 2013


There will be a Spanish quiz next Monday on colors and numbers.  Here are the study guides. 

Also all students need a Spanish notebook for the rest of the year. Please send a notebook to school with your child after the break. 

Homework this Week

There will be no homework this week due to the short week and field trip. 

Book reports will go home Tuesday night. 

Have a great Thanksgiving! 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

We are Publishing a Book Next Week

Our class is publishing a book next week. The topic of the book is persuasive writing from the perspective of a turkey, convincing humans not to eat them. In order for our book to be published, each parent must sign an order form as a waiver for the students to be published. Even if you don't want to order a published hardcopy, please sign the order form to grant permission for your child's writing to be published in the book. Just fill out your child's name at the top and sign at the bottom of the form that you will find attached. 

Order forms will come home today and must be returned by next Tuesday 11/26/13 or your child can not be included. Please take the time to sign. Thank you! 

           -The Authors of Room 202

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hw 11.18-11.22.13

Weekly Homework-

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all Long I spelling words)
Math- Reteaching Packet 
Subtraction Test tomorrow

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- Addition with regrouping page

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling Test Thursday! Study!!!!
Math- 4-1

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the 6 comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Reading Comprehension and Vocab test Friday! Study!
Math- 4-2

Friday- Book Report (Read a book of your choice and tell about it)

Spelling and Vocab 11.18-11.22

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Homework November 13-15

This week's homework:

Reading: Biography comprehension page
Math- 3-5

Reading: Main idea and detail & cause and effect page
Math- 3-6

Friday- Book Report (Read a book of your choice and tell about it)
Math- addition with regrouping page

No spelling or vocabulary words this week

We will not have a new set of spelling or vocabulary words this week. We will begin a new units next week and will have words starting Monday. We are doing reader's theater this week. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

New Reading Comprehension Test Format

The reading test format has changed. Here is what the new comprehension test will look like for reading. The writing portion and vocabulary will be on Fridays as well. Happy Studying! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

HW 11/4-11/8/13

Weekly Homework-

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all Long E and A spelling words)
Math- 3-1

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 3-2

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling Test Thursday! 
Math- 3-3

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the 6 comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Reading Comprehension and Vocab test Friday! Study!
Math- 3-4

Friday- Book Report (Read a book of your choice and tell about it)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Homework October 28-31, 2013

Weekly Homework-

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all Long E and A soft C and hard C and soft G and hard G spelling words)
Math- 2-6

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 2-7

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling and Vocab Test Thursday! 
Math- Reteaching packets

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the 6 comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Math- 2-4

Friday- Book Report (Read a book of your choice and tell about it)

Science Study Guide for Retest 12.6.13

Social Studies Study Guide for Retest 12.6.13

Here is the study guide AND test for the upcoming Social Studies test this Wednesday 10/30/13 on Unit 3- Using our Resources. Happy studying! 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

HW 10.21-10.25

Weekly Homework-

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all Long E and A spelling words)
Math- 2-1

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 2-2

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling and Vocab Test Thursday! 
Math- 2-3

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the 6 comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Math- 2-4

Friday- Book Report (Read a book of your choice and tell about it)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Spelling and Vocab 10.15-10.8.13

HW 10/15-10/18/13

Weekly Homework-

No School

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 10-8

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling and Vocab Test Thursday! 
Math-  10-9

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the 6 comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Math- Reteaching Packet
Study for Test tomorrow

Friday- Book Report (Read a book of your choice and tell about it)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Improving Reading


Check out the website http://www.mrsperkins.com/dolch.htm.  Here you can have your child practice sight words for up to 3rd grade.  You can print flash cards, stories for each level or the color coded story with every pre-primer, primer. 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade sight word included.  Even if your child knows the sight words, fluency can always be improved.  READING ALOUD WILL ALWAYS IMPROVE FLUENCY!

This would be a great activity for the long weekend.  Also, the children have received new Scholastic order deals for October.  If you would like to order books or ebooks, go to Scholastic.com.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

HW 10.7-10.11.13

Weekly Homework-

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all EE and EA spelling words)
Math- 10-4

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 10-5

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling and Vocab Test Thursday! 
Math- 10-6

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the 6 comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Math- 10-7

Friday- Book Report (Read a book of your choice and tell about it)

Vocab 10.7-10.11.13

insects enemies cocoon tunnels invade

Spelling Words 10.7-10.11

real sleep we feel east green team belong knee clear peach cheese please between eagle

Monday, September 30, 2013

Hw 9.30-10-4.13

Weekly Homework-

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all Kn Ph and Wr spelling words)
Math- 10-1

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 10-2

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling and Vocab Test Thursday! 
Math- 10-3

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the 6 comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Math- 10 More 10 Less/ 100 more 100 practice page

Friday- Book Report (Read a book of your choice and tell about it)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Spelling Words 9.30-10.4.13

Wren (the bird) 
knot knife write phone graph wrap wrist phase knit alphabet wrinkle nephew photo

Vocab Words 9.30-10.4.13

Palace escalator dashing yanked fastened