Homework 8/26-8/30/13
Monday- None
Tuesday- Work on Summer Souvenir Writing Project (write about and bring in a souvenir from your summer to share and present to the class) The template was sent home on Tuesday in take home folders.
Last names: A-G due Weds.
H-M due Thurs.
N-Z due Friday
Math- HW 1-1 Practice and Reteaching Page
Wednesday- Summer Souvenir Writing Project (H-M)
(write about and bring in a souvenir from your summer to share and present to the class)
Math- HW 1-2 Practice and Reteaching Page
Thursday- Summer Souvenir (N-Z)
Math- HW 1-3 Practice and Reteaching
Friday- NONE- book report will begin next week on September 6