We are Working Hard to be the best we can be!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hw 5.26-5.30.14

Weekly Homework-

Monday- No School/No HW 

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all spelling words by spelling pattern)
Math- 11-4

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 11-5

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Spelling, Reading Comprehension and Vocab test Friday! Study!
Math- 11-6

Friday- Book Report (due next week on Friday!!!)

Spelling and Vocab words 6.2.14-6.6.14

Spelling and Vocab words 5.27-5.30.14

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hw 5.19-5.23.14

Weekly Homework-

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all spelling words by spelling pattern)
Math- Fix pretest and review for Geometry Test

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 11-1

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling Test Thursday! Study!!!!
Math- 11-2

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Reading Comprehension and Vocab test Friday! Study!
Math- 11-3

Friday- Book Report (due next week on Friday!!!)

Unit 6 Social Studies Test Thursday 5.22.14

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hw 5/12-5/16/14

Weekly Homework-

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all spelling words by spelling pattern)
Math- 12-5

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 12-6

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling Test Thursday! Study!!!!
Math- 12-7

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Reading Comprehension and Vocab test Friday! Study!
Math- 12-8

Friday- Book Report (due next week on Friday!!!)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Science Fair Next Week-5/14

We will have our 2nd grade science fair on Wednesday 5/14/14 in the gym from 2:00-2:30. Students will be able to bring their projects home on that day. Feel free to join us! 

Spelling and Vocab for 5/12-5/16 New Hop

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Nwea Testing

NWEA testing begins this Friday for 2nd grade and will conclude on 5/20/14. Please review the study guide with your child. The 2nd grade benchmark is a 191 or higher for reading and math in 2nd grade.  The practice sites are under the at home help links section of my blog. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Spelling and Vocab Words 5/5-5/9/14

Hw 5/5-5/9/14

Weekly Homework-

Reading- Spelling Word Sort (Sort all spelling words by spelling pattern)
Math- work on science project

Reading: Spelling Sentences (Use each spelling word in a sentence to show meaning)
Math- 12-1

Reading: Vocab Story (Use all vocabulary words in a creative story or poem)
Spelling Test Thursday! Study!!!!
Math- 12-2

Reading: Comprehension Questions (Answer the comprehension questions about our whole group focus story for the week)
Reading Comprehension and Vocab test Friday! Study!
Math- 12-3

Friday- Book Report (due next week on Friday!!!)