We are Working Hard to be the best we can be!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Homework for week of September 29 through October 3

Reading- word sort and spelling sentences
Math- 10-7

Reading- spelling sailboats
Math- 10-8

Reading- Vocab Decoding Page (needs reading textbook- The lion and the mouse
Math- 10-9
****study for spelling test*******

Reading- comprehension questions- The elves and the shoemaker
Math- Reteaching Packet
****Study for Vocab and Sight Words
****Literacy Comprehension Test tomorrow 

Reading- Book Report

Spelling vocabulary and site words for September 29 through October 3

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Field trip

A field trip permission slip will be coming home tomorrow, Thursday 9/25/14. This field trip is for the Countyline orchard and the cost is $16. The money and field trip forms are due back by next Friday, October 3 at 8 AM. The trip will take place on October 10, 2014. We need at least six chaperones to come with our class, so all are welcome! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Hw 9/22-9/26

Reading- word sort and spelling sentences
Math- 10-3

Reading- spelling sailboats
Math- 10-4

Reading- Vocab Decoding Page (needs reading textbook- The elves and the shoemaker
Math- 10-5
****study for spelling test*******

Reading- comprehension questions- The elves and the shoemaker
Math- 10-6
****Study for Vocab and Sight Words
****Literacy Comprehension Test tomorrow on Bad Case of Stripes

Reading- Book Report

Vocab Words

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Homework 9.15-9.20.14

Reading- word sort and spelling sentences
Math- reteaching packet

Reading- spelling sailboats
Math- place value practice page

Reading- Vocab Decoding Page (needs reading textbook) 
Math- 10-1
****study for spelling test*******

Reading- comprehension questions from Because of You in the textbook
Math- 10-2
****Study for Vocab and Sight Words
****Literacy Comprehension Test tomorrow

Reading- Book Report

Vocab words 9.15-9.20.14

Spelling Words 9.15-9.20.14

Monday, September 8, 2014

Vocabulary Words for 9/8-9/12/14

Homework for week of 9/8-9/12/14

Reading- word sort and spelling sentences
Math- 5-4

Reading- spelling sailboats
Math- 5-5

Reading- Vocab Decoding Page (needs reading textbook) 
Math- 5-6
****study for spelling test*******

Reading- comprehension questions from Because of You in the textbook
Math- 5-7
****Study for Vocab and Sight Words
The first comprehension exam is about the story "Too Many Tamales" that was read several times in class. 

Reading- Book Report

Book Report- 1st Qtr. Template

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Spelling Words 9/8-9/12/14

Spelling words-
mild care pilot lady bake time sale ride able kind apron final quite quiet share

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Homework for the week of 9–2 through 9–5

Tuesday– summer souvenir project

Wednesday –
Reading – summer souvenir project
Math- 5-1 page

Reading – summer souvenir project
Math- 5-2 page

Friday –
Reading – book report due on 9/12/15

Monday, September 1, 2014

First Homework Assignment

The only Reading homework assignment for this week will be to complete the Summer Souvenir Writing Project. Students will come home with their writing template tomorrow and it should be brought back according to the first letter of their last name. 
A-H- Wednesday 9/3
I-O- Thursday 9/4
P-Z- Friday 9/5

Macintosh HD:Users:tarahenninger:Desktop:sun-clip-art1.jpg
My Summer Souvenir

Bring in a souvenir (photograph, postcard, brochure, map, ticket or artifact) that represents something fun you did this summer. Write a short description about how your souvenir represents a part of your summer. Use the lines below for your writing and bring it back to school this week.  (10 pts.- writing)

For example:
My summer was full of excitement.  I spent my time touring the city I love, Chicago!  Chicago is full of fun and exciting things to do and see.  I spent my days doing different activities around The Windy City.  I went to my first Chicago Bears game and saw my favorite players. I also watched the Chicago Cubs play at Wrigley Field and they won.  I enjoyed two concerts, went to the beach, shopped at the biggest mall in Illinois and found a wedding dress! I learned to grill and had friends and family over to try my creations. Overall, I had a relaxing and enjoyable summer touring Chicago and have lots souvenirs to remember my summer break.  How did you spend your time this summer?
Now share your story about your Summer Souvenir...
